CCTA Course Search

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Found 14 records / Displaying 1 - 14
Name Title Terms GBA date
AJS213 Evidence Technology: Fingerprints 2025 Fall - Current 6-25-2024
AJS213 Evidence Technology: Fingerprints 2023 Fall - 2025 Summer 2-28-2023
AJS213 Evidence Technology/Fingerprints 2014 Fall - 2023 Summer 4-22-2014
AJS213 Evidence Technology/Fingerprints 2001 Fall - 2014 Summer 5-22-2001
AJS213 Evidence Technology I 1996 Fall - 2001 Summer II 6-25-1996
AJS213 Evidence Technology I 1988 Fall - 1996 Summer II 1-1-1901
AJS213AB Fingerprint Classification I 2023 Fall - Current 2-28-2023
AJS213AB Fingerprint Classification I 2014 Fall - 2023 Summer 5-27-2014
AJS213AB Fingerprint Classification I 1996 Fall - 2014 Summer 4-23-1996
AJS213AB Fingerprint Classification I 1988 Fall - 1996 Summer II 6-8-1982
AJS213AC Fingerprint Classification II 1996 Fall - 2008 Fall 7-22-2008
AJS213AC Fingerprint Classification II 1988 Fall - 1996 Summer II 6-8-1982
AJS213AD Latent Development and Identification 1996 Fall - 2008 Fall 7-22-2008
AJS213AD Latent Development and Identification 1988 Fall - 1996 Summer II 6-8-1982