CCTA Course Search

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Found 6 records / Displaying 1 - 6
Name Title Terms GBA date
BPC101AA Introduction to Microcomputers I: IBM 1989 Spring - 1995 Summer II 1-10-1989
BPC101AA Introduction to Microcomputers I: IBM 1995 Fall - 1997 Summer II 6-27-1995
BPC101AA Introduction to Microcomputers I: IBM 1997 Fall - 2005 Summer II 5-27-1997
BPC101AA Introduction to Computers I 2005 Fall - 2013 Fall 6-28-2005
BPC101AA Introduction to Computers I 2014 Spring - 2018 Summer 12-10-2013
BPC101AA Introduction to Computers I 2018 Fall - Current 12-10-2013