CCTA Course Search

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Found 12 records / Displaying 1 - 12
Name Title Terms GBA date
CPD150 Success Orientation Seminar 1995 Fall - 1997 Summer II 6-27-1995
CPD150AA Success Orientation Seminar: Learning Techniques 1995 Fall - 1997 Summer II 6-27-1995
CPD150AB Success Orientation Seminar: College Coping Skills 1995 Fall - 1997 Summer II 6-27-1995
CPD150AC Success Orientation Seminar: Assessing Career Options 1995 Fall - 1997 Summer II 6-27-1995
CPD150 Strategies for College Success 1997 Fall - 2016 Fall 5-27-1997
CPD150AA College Orientation and Personal Growth 1997 Fall - 2021 Summer 5-27-1997
CPD150AB Study Skills Development 1997 Fall - 2021 Summer 5-27-1997
CPD150AC Educational and Career Planning 1997 Fall - 2019 Summer 5-27-1997
CPD150 Strategies for College Success 2017 Spring - Current 12-13-2016
CPD150AC Educational and Career Planning 2019 Fall - Current 5-28-2019
CPD150AA College Orientation and Personal Growth 2021 Fall - Current 5-27-1997
CPD150AB Study Skills Development 2021 Fall - Current 5-27-1997